Some Key Topics That You'll Learn About In A Beginner Firearms Training Course

Posted on: 2 August 2021

If you're worried about your personal safety, owning a gun can help you stay protected from certain dangers. A firearms training course can teach you how to handle a gun safely so that you don't accidentally hurt yourself or someone else who isn't trying to cause you harm. You'll learn about many subjects that will help you become a more responsible gun owner, but here are some of the main topics that a beginner firearms training course should cover.

Gun Safety

The first thing that your firearms training program should teach you is how to handle your gun safely. You'll learn where your gun safety switch is located so that you can leave it on whenever you don't want the gun to fire. Your firearm training instructor will also teach you how to store your gun properly and transport your firearm safely and legally. It's also important that you're taught how to load, unload, and clean your gun correctly so that you won't accidentally fire a bullet when you're handling your firearm.

Gun Grip

No matter what type of gun you have, your instructor will show you how to hold the firearm with the proper grip so that you can aim and shoot correctly. You'll learn when to have your finger on the trigger and when to keep your finger off of it for maximum safety. If you own a pistol, your instructor can show you how to hold it with one hand or two hands properly. The instructor may even show you the improper grips so that you'll know to avoid them.

Shooting Stance

How you stand can affect how well you shoot, and you'll be taught how to stand correctly when aiming and firing your gun. The proper stance can help you position your body weight better so that you'll have more control over your gun. If you own a pistol or another type of handgun, your instructor may show you the:

  • Isosceles stance
  • Weaver stance
  • Chapman stance
  • Power point stance
  • Strong-hand retention stance

Target Shooting

Some beginner firearms education programs may include target shooting training, but you might need to wait until you progress to a more advanced class before you can start shooting targets. Shooting at these targets will allow you to practice aiming your gun and shooting with precision. You'll also learn when to fire and when you should refrain from pulling the trigger so that you won't cause unnecessary damage to a person or property.

These basic topics that are taught in most firearms training programs can help you prepare to defend yourself better so that you won't become a victim. It's important that you enroll in an accredited firearms training course before you fire your first shot so that you'll know what to do correctly when it's time to use your gun. Contact a firearms training course for more information. 
