5 Important Pieces Of Information To Provide When Your Business Works With A Hiring Agency
Posted on: 19 December 2022
Even if your company gets plenty of job applications and cover letters, it can still be hard to attract top-notch employees. That's why many businesses enlist help from a hiring agency when it's time to grow their workforce. A staffing agency makes it easy for job hunters to connect with your company and streamlines the hiring process.
If you want your experience with a hiring agency to be successful, there are five key pieces of information your business must provide.
1) Information about the company itself
Don't just hype up your job listings when you work with a staffing agency. First, you need to give the hiring agency details about the company itself. This may include your company's mission statement, core values, and other information that helps define its culture.
Additionally, explain what kind of employees will fit in with your company's culture. That way hiring agents can better target job hunters who will be a good match for your business.
2) Details about the job openings
It's important to provide hiring agents with a detailed list of the open positions at your company. This should include job descriptions and qualifications, as well as salary and benefits information.
Also, hiring agents need to understand the hiring process. Explain exactly how many interviews will take place and what type of questions you'll ask candidates. This way hiring agents can be sure they're sending resumes of qualified applicants who have gone through the entire hiring process.
3) Timeline for hiring employees
If you need an employee to start ASAP, a company that offers assistance for people who are job searching can't waste time. Let them know when you need employees to start and how quickly hiring decisions should be made. Also, specify how long open positions will remain available before they're filled.
4) Company contacts
Ensure hiring agents have the right contact information for your company. Provide a contact person for questions about hiring, and make sure hiring agents know who to submit resumes to when they receive them.
In addition, a staffing agency needs to have the best way to reach out when they've identified qualified job hunters. Give them the contact information of your human resources team or hiring managers so they can start recruiting top talent.
5) Job promotion strategy
Hiring agents can help your company create a hiring strategy that's sure to attract qualified job hunters. You'll need to explain how you're going to promote your open positions to ensure hiring agents have all the information they need. This includes any job boards, social media platforms, or other sources you want them to use when searching for employees.
Working with a hiring agency is an important part of hiring employees for any business. By providing hiring agents with the necessary information, you can help ensure successful placements and build your company's workforce without going through a lengthy hiring process.
Contact a hiring agency near you to learn more.